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Zero Tolerance Policy

Tewksbury Athletic Association Zero Tolerance Policy

Due to occasional physical and verbal abuse against Referees or Umpires, Tewksbury has adopted the following ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY.

1. It is the goal of this policy is to prevent abusive and obscene language, violent play, violent conduct, fighting and other behavior detrimental to the sport.

2. It is the responsibility of ALL Coaches/Managers to maintain the highest standards of conduct for themselves, their players and supporters in all matches. A Coach's responsibility for Referee/Umpire support and spectator control includes the times prior to, during and after the game at the field and surrounding areas.

3. All persons responsible for a team and all the spectators shall support the Referee/Umpire. Failure to do so will undermine the Referee's authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the Referee and other participants and spectators.

4. No Coach or Assistant Coach shall address the Referee/Umpire during the game, with the following exceptions:

During a game, Coaches may (1) respond to a Referee initiating communication (2) make substitutions (3) point out emergencies or safety issues.

During Half Time or at the end of the game, a Coach or Assistant Coach, using absolutely no sarcasm, harassment or intimidation, may (only) (1) ask a Referee/Umpire to explain a rule(s) in a polite and constructive way, or (2) give polite and friendly feedback to the Referee.

5. Coach Penalties: An Initial Minor Infraction will receive a verbal warning. Any subsequent infraction will warrant the following actions:

Official Warning (Caution). Referee/Umpire shall state that this is their WARNING and shall report it to the Tewksbury Athletic Association.

Dismissal (Ejection). Referee shall state that they are DISMISSED, their pass card shall be surrendered and kept by the Referee and the dismissal reported to the Tewksbury Athletic Association.

6. No Spectator shall address the Referee/Umpire at any time, except:

During the game, a spectator may (1) respond to a Referee initiating a communication or (2) may point out emergencies or safety issues.

7. Spectator Penalties:

1st Infraction: Referee/Umpire, at the next stoppage of play, should ask the Coach to quiet the offending spectator.

2nd Infraction: A verbal warning. Referee, at the next stoppage of play, should ask the Coach to warn the spectator that the next infraction will be a removal of the spectator or the Referee will abandon the game.

3rd Infraction: The Referee/Umpire, at the next stoppage of play, shall instruct the Coach to direct the spectator to leave the field. If the spectator does not leave the field, the Referee shall abandon the game and file a report to the Tewksbury Athletic Association, who may impose a forfeit on the spectator's team.

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